Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why do Google Chrome's Extensions need to know my browsing history, etc...?

I installed a few apps off of Google's extension site %26amp; they requires such things as my info on certain sites, my browsing history %26amp; other things of the sort. Can I have my identity stolen like this? If I delete these apps, will they still gather my info?

Thanks in advance|||Something like the Web of Trust or spam blockers needs your browsing history. How can they protect you if they don't know what site your on? It's essential for the function of certain extensions. There may be a rogue extension that steals your data, but it certainly won't steal your identity unless you decide to enter your social security number. Most extensions are legit though, and one that is not will be quickly flagged to Google. If you delete them, they definitely will not have access to your information. You can also disable them.|||Google is being sued (in Germany for example) for collecting private informations of people illegally.

I would change the browser if I was at your place - firefox, opera or something else. No Safari.

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